Our revenue sharing token: TBANK
TBANK serves as the governance and revenue-sharing token for TaoBank, with a total supply of 15 million tokens.
TBANK tokenomics
Community ownership (42.6%): 6.4 million tokens were bootstrapped for the public on the TaoPad launchpad in March 2024, with additional airdrops to TPAD holders.
Liquidity Pool (6.7%): 1 million tokens are locked in the TBANK/ETH liquidity pool.
Future Community Projects (25%): 3.75 million tokens are locked in multisig for future community-approved marketing, development projects, and ecosystem incentives (e.g., rewards for TBANK holders staking).
Strategic Investors and Partners (16%): 2.4 million tokens allocated, with monthly vesting over six months.
Team Retention (9.7%): 1.45 million tokens retained by the TaoBank team, with monthly vesting over six months.
Last updated